Off to Yemen tonight
No pictures today sorry, Last night I flew up to Cairo from Lilongwe via Nairobia (Kenya), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and Khartoum (Sudan). Tonight I fly to Dubai via Doha and…
No pictures today sorry, Last night I flew up to Cairo from Lilongwe via Nairobia (Kenya), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and Khartoum (Sudan). Tonight I fly to Dubai via Doha and…
Snofru* was a guy who liked to start a job. He built three pyramids, each of which had one problem or another which caused him to abandon them just before they were ready to use. Rumour’s that his third pyramid was called Gandalf are completely unfounded.
* Everything in Egypt has hundreds of different spellings. Snofru was also known as Snephru, Snefru and Sneferu. In deeply scientific fashion, I choose the spellings that appeal to me.
This is my last will and testament. Not really but the cab I'm in has already hit two other cars and we've just left the airport. Thankfully now the traffic…