from my wanderings over the last few days, not much description this time, and again some of it may only be of interest to those who have lived here. There are some pretty pictures of fish though.
Sunset from Fat Monkeys bar
Fat Monkeys sunset close-up
Kampango Dave and Jimmy
Gap John
Mikey Powers and Anton
Anton Kalumba
Ali behind Gecko’s bar
Uri and Renee at Poker Night
Gap House
Mario’s House
Lake Divers became Gaia became Mufasa
Main road behing Billy’s Clinic
Kayaking towards Otter Point
Parked at Otter Point
Otter Point fish 1
Otter Point fish 2
Otter Point fish 3
Otter Point fish 4
Otter Point fish 5
Otter Point creatures
Otter Point
Otter Point from water
Bird at Otter Point
Cape Maclear private cottages
Mufasa Yacht
Kayak Africa from water 1
Kayak Africa from water 2
Kayak Africa from water 3
Main Street with transmission tower
Main Street
Castaways Lodge
Hiccups Pub
Mgoza Lodge, home of poker night
Mgoza Lodge 2
Malambe Camp
Fish racks
Froggie’s Restaurant 1
Froggie’s Restaurant 2
Froggie’s Restaurant with Fat Monkeys in background